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Writer's picturePosthuman Art Network

Nikoleta Zampaki

Updated: May 23, 2023

Nikoleta Zampaki is a PhD Candidate in Modern Greek Literature at the Faculty of Philology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in Greece. She was Instructor at the Utah University in the U.S.A., International Student and Fellow at MIT in the U.S.A., Harvard Extension School, Stanford University, Oxford University, Universität Tübingen in Germany, Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary, etc. Her disciplines are Environmental Humanities, Posthumanities, Digital Humanities, Literary Theory, Comparative Literature, and the Phenomenology of Maurice Merleau-Ponty. She is editor and reviewer at many journals overseas, Associate and Managing Editor at the Journal of Ecohumanism, and current member of the Education Team of Glenn Research Center at NASA, ASLE U.S.A, Posthumanism Research Institute at Brock University in Canada, Environmental Humanities Network at Warwick, etc. She has also participated in many conferences and she is a multilingual student by working on English, French, Romanian, Russian, Chinese, Hungarian, Maori, and Turkish. She is also co-editor with her Professor Peggy Karpouzou of the book series “Posthumanities and Citizenship Futures” at Rowman & Littlefield, and “Environmental Humanities” at TPLondon, based in the U.K.


From the Ancient Greek Antiquity to the Digital Era. Towards Aesthetics:

While this subject is too broad to cover in its entirety, we will highlight the important aspects of this new, ‘post-oriented’ aesthetics and focus on such pivotal subjects such as Plato and Aristotle’s works, Kant, flesh (Merleau-Ponty), dasein (Heidegger), similitude (Foucault), the concepts of motion and image (Deleuze), ecocritical and environmental aesthetics, and post modern music. Moreover, we will focus on digital art, algorithmic and robotic artworks, providing links, videos and photos, in order to envisage more on the posthumanist perspectives or artistic creation of our time. At the end, we will focus on the relationship of aesthetics with the programming language Python in how aesthetics could be written, read and presented through it. Moreover, we will use text mining and web scraping tools for our research on aesthetics in order to offer new data in our research. In conclusion, we will try to write a code about posthuman aesthetics, as a creative form of writing by mapping all these various narratives from antiquity until today.



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