Cognitive Dissonance: Re-evaluating AI through Noise and Improvisation
Intelligence and Computation Lab Publications
Sepideh Majidi-Reza Negarestani
Afroditi Psarra, Galina Shevchenko, Lyndsey Walsh, Tam Hare, Tansy Xiao, Rory Scott, Babak Ahteshamipour, Shaun Ferguson, Daniel de la Torre, Claire Jervert, Maegan Harbridge, Boris Lesnoy, Claire Cical / Quassine, hannah neckel, Filipe Felizardo, Sheshadev Sagria, Andrew DiLallo, Neu Theory, Onty, Goutam Manna, Moises Ramirez, Shriya Malhotra, Julio Lugon
Tracing the Modular urge - Ali Eslami
Sliding along the moebius manifold : amplitude and creases // Quassine
We will survive as Hybrids: Vernacular Embodiments
Ventriloquist Ontology
Queen Free Exchange and other foreign objects
Flaneur(0)-Workers // Cognitive Mechanics and Spatial (Non)Resemblances
Onty Presents a Short Film: AIONIZATION
Neu Theory
Post-Tinnital Testing, 1…
The Teratoma Will Always Return
Meta Data Angels
The Human as Transformation - Notes against a Pedagogy for Labor
IS RADICAL UNIVERSALISM WHAT IT IS NOT? A preliminary inquiry into the logic of pedagogy
Exploring Fluid Connections: Transcending Boundaries, Flowing into each other
Care/full Looking: Some Notes towards a Posthuman Account of Painting
Opera, Fourier, utopia
Some parallels between the late work of Lukács and the late work of Stiegler
A Line is an Edge, is a Colour, is a Shadow: Noticing the Queerness of Form in Visual Art Practices
Adventures with Androids
social being's complexity and deanthropomorphization
Clothesline saga
Framing deanthropomorphization in social ontology
The foreign object, a gauge for posthuman intelligence?
I Sometimes Cover my Eyes and think of the Occasions where We Drop our Smiles
Impermanence | How to Begin
Time is an illusion of measurement.
Circumlocution Machine
Dear Myxomycete